Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Facebook Tips: Fan Pages and Fanning

LOVE Big Cocktail Ring by Recreational Art

I have a Facebook Fan Page for my business.  Many of the shops on Etsy and Artfire have Fan Pages too.  We all help each other out and support each other by fanning other Fan Pages and returning the favor to those who fan us.

When you fan someone you do so from your profile page and not your Fan Page.  Why is this tidbit of information important?  Because sometimes it is easy to figure out which fan page belongs to which profile.   In my case, my business name includes my first name.  But sometimes it is difficult to put profile and Fan Page together.  I want to do the right thing.  I want to fan back, but I can't find your business name anywhere.

Purple Grapes Earrings by PurpleMoonDesigns

I like to make sure that I have fanned all my fans and I have a few tips to make "fanning" easier and friendlier.

First, make sure that you include a link to your business and/or Fan page on your profile page.  It is good, passive advertising.  And it helps when I am trying to figure out who you are and what business name you use.

Second, talk to me when you fan me.  I don't need your life story but a simple "I fanned you" along with a link to your Fan Page will suffice.  If I don't want your link on my Fan page, I can remove it.

Third, most Fan pages are taking part in the Link Love discussions.  Leave all of your links in one post in my discussion.  But don't be rude and leave your links if you are not a Fan. 

Beaded Bead Necklace  by cisraydesigns
Fourth, don't fan me if you intend to unfan me next week or month.  If you don't want to see my posts either don't fan me in the first place or "hide" my posts.

If you are fanning other business Fan Pages and you are not being "fanned" in return, make sure that everyone knows what name your Fan Page is using.

I thank Recreational Art, Cisray Designs and Purple Moon Designs for the use of their pictures.  Please visit their shops using the links I have provided.

**Remember that I use pictures from my followers shops in my blog posts.  If you do NOT want your pictures used, please let me know.**

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful reminder that FB Fan Pages can be a great place to interact with fans and other shops.