Technology is a wonderful thing. It affects every aspect of our lives. We curse it when it works against us and we praise it when it works for us. Take a few minutes to think about and to list the ways that technology works against you and the ways it works for you. That is what I did a few days ago. I was amazed.
I could go on for days about the pros and cons, but the title of this blog is "Technology is Wonderful". I will tell you some wonderful things that you may take for granted.
I live close to my father and my cousin lives close to her mother, his sister. We live in Nevada and they live in Texas. Dad and my Aunt will never again sit across the table from one another and just talk. Neither is really able to travel. But thanks to technology, they were able to have a conversation face to face using the web cam. My two stepsons and my nephew are overseas with the military. They are in places where they are not exactly safe. But thanks to computers we can open the web cam and see the boys and reassure ourselves that they are well. Isn't that wonderfully amazing!
I speak publicly to help support epilepsy awareness. Before each engagement, I have a practice run through with my speaking coach. My coach is in Virginia and I am in Nevada. We use the web cam so that she can watch my facial expressions and body language. It is a real benefit.
Epilepsy is a condition that affects each person differently. The effect depends on the area of the brain involved in seizures. I have right temporal lobe epilepsy and it affects my memory. Thanks to technology I have a Palm to jot notes in and to keep track of my contacts and appointments. I also have a cell phone that I carry with me so that if I get lost, run into problems or have a seizure, I can call my husband.
Ten years ago I got my first cell phone when my Mother was terminally ill and needed to be able to get in touch with me at anytime. Before the mid to late 1990's most people didn't have access to a cell phone.
My husband works and attends college. Some of his classes are taken on the internet. This saves money that he would spend on gas to and from the campus. It also saves time. The internet classes are flexible enough that you can complete the coursework no matter what your schedule is like.
Yes there are problems. There are people who use a Bluetooth that continue to speak on the phone while conducting business at the bank, grocery store, or other business. They don't think they are being rude. Some people who talk on the phone while driving cause accidents. And there are other examples that I choose not to list.
But in the long run, I have to say it again, "Technology is a wonderful thing".
Click here to read more!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Snowflakes and Christmas Things
I am reposting this to add a link to my discussion page and a photo with additional snowflakes. There are 6 different snowflakes. What do you think about the different colors? Which is your favorite? Do you have any suggestions for other colors? Or for other items?

Follow this link to the discussion page. And thanks for your opinion!
Follow this link to the discussion page. And thanks for your opinion!
I am working on some Christmas items and I need your opinion. These snowflakes are a little larger than a quarter and I am thinking of using them for earrings or a pendant. I made three different colors. One is silver with light blue, one is silver with dark blue and the last is light blue with dark blue. Which do you like the best? Would you like to see a different color used?
I have mentioned earlier that one thing I like about crafting is that you have to be ahead of the calendar. So summer is the time to start thinking about what to make for Christmas. And believe me when you live in Nevada that can be difficult. We have cleared 100 for the past 2 days (103 today) and the weekend promises to be at least 106. Merry Christmas? Somehow the mood just isn't working yet!
I am getting kind of excited because this will be the first holiday season that my store has been open. Right before I broke my glasses I was on a roll making jewelry in red and green. And I had about 4 ideas that I was going to make. Then 1 week without eyes and I forgot what I intended to do. Oh well, I will make something better than the whatever. And I know that I will like it more.
Are any of my crafty friends working on the holidays yet?
Click here to read more!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
OOPS! Don't sit there!
This is going to be quick. I have been promising myself for over a year that I would get new glasses. My subconcious got tired of the empty promises and took matters into its own hands. I sat on my glasses and broke them beyond repair. I had an eye exam today and ordered new glasses. Due to my astigmatism and other "specialness" I will be without glasses until Saturday afternoon.
I guess that is one way to get me off the computer for a few days. "See" ya Saturday. Click here to read more!
I guess that is one way to get me off the computer for a few days. "See" ya Saturday. Click here to read more!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
When it Rains, It Pours
I can't believe it! I went over a month without a single sale. I went through all the stages of depression several times during that month. Then I got my first sale. The customer wanted 2 of something that I had one of. So we finalized the sale on Saturday. I was so excited.
Sunday I went to the store real quick. And I mean quick. When I got home I had 2 more sales. I think I will run to the store real quick at least twice a day. Do you think that will work everytime? Wouldn't it be nice?
When it rains, it pours. I am from South Texas and believe me that is so true. But there is always a drought around the corner. I just gotta keep the good vibes going.
I am making an effort to blog at least 3 times a week. Sometimes it may be kinda disjointed and quick like this one. But there are a couple of subjects in my mind that I really want to share. Right now I am just having a hard time balancing everything.
I want the option to change the number of hours in a day. There are some days (like the past week) when I need the days to include about 30 to 36 hours. Then I could maybe make some progress. Click here to read more!
Sunday I went to the store real quick. And I mean quick. When I got home I had 2 more sales. I think I will run to the store real quick at least twice a day. Do you think that will work everytime? Wouldn't it be nice?
When it rains, it pours. I am from South Texas and believe me that is so true. But there is always a drought around the corner. I just gotta keep the good vibes going.
I am making an effort to blog at least 3 times a week. Sometimes it may be kinda disjointed and quick like this one. But there are a couple of subjects in my mind that I really want to share. Right now I am just having a hard time balancing everything.
I want the option to change the number of hours in a day. There are some days (like the past week) when I need the days to include about 30 to 36 hours. Then I could maybe make some progress. Click here to read more!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Sweet Victory
I did it! I made my first sale today. All the waiting, wondering, cursing was worth it. Now I am energized to make even more jewelry.
The last week or so has been difficult. When I made the decision to open a store, I wasn't sure that it would be worth it. And I have been having lots of doubts as to whether I made the right decision. I keep second guessing the logic behind listing the items that I listed, the prices that I put on those pieces, the idea of selling my creations. That is all still there, but
I made a sale! I made a sale! I made a sale!
I shouldnt get so excited, after all, it is just one sale. But it is my first sale. The first time someone has paid money, real money, for something that I made. And do you know what? It feels good. I like the way it feels. I want more!
I am too excited to sit here and pound away at the keyboard.
I am renewing my committment to making my store a success. And I am going to try my hardest to blog at least 3 times a week. I am thinking that I need to make a schedule (like work) and stick to it. What do you think? Do you think I can do it?
I DO! Click here to read more!
The last week or so has been difficult. When I made the decision to open a store, I wasn't sure that it would be worth it. And I have been having lots of doubts as to whether I made the right decision. I keep second guessing the logic behind listing the items that I listed, the prices that I put on those pieces, the idea of selling my creations. That is all still there, but
I made a sale! I made a sale! I made a sale!
I shouldnt get so excited, after all, it is just one sale. But it is my first sale. The first time someone has paid money, real money, for something that I made. And do you know what? It feels good. I like the way it feels. I want more!
I am too excited to sit here and pound away at the keyboard.
I am renewing my committment to making my store a success. And I am going to try my hardest to blog at least 3 times a week. I am thinking that I need to make a schedule (like work) and stick to it. What do you think? Do you think I can do it?
I DO! Click here to read more!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Best Friends
I was trying to think about a subject for my blog today, but I have been having trouble concentrating. I recently got in touch with my best friend from Junior High and we have talked on the phone several times over the past few months.
Do you have a friend that no matter how long it has been since you last spoke (this time it was about 10 years), when you finally get in touch with each other it seems as if no time has passed. It seems as if we just spoke a month ago instead of 10 years. Except for the fact that we have so much to catch up on. Well, that's how our friendship is. We are both 50 now and it is kinda scary that our lives have followed some of the same paths. We even take some of the same medications.
We both have a bad habit of changing the subject of a sentence 5 times before the end. Other people have trouble following our conversations, but we can understand each other perfectly well. In fact, if you read my blog from Saturday, Story Behind Cheryls Purple Cow, then you already know alot about her.
She doesn't have a computer, but she is traveling across Texas today to visit with her daughter who does have a computer. The reason I am having trouble focusing is that this evening we are going to be able to chat face to face using the webcam. Unfortunately, the reason she is going to visit her daughter is to help take care of her for a few days. Her daughter's wonderfully cute kitten decided that Mommy needed to play on the floor and tripped her. She landed on a glass table. Not Good! She's OK, just broke a couple ribs. It's going to be difficult though, because I am the type of person who likes to make people laugh. I don't think that she would appreciate that right now.
I just thought of the title for my next post: The Wonders of Technology. I think you will enjoy it.
Click here to read more!
Do you have a friend that no matter how long it has been since you last spoke (this time it was about 10 years), when you finally get in touch with each other it seems as if no time has passed. It seems as if we just spoke a month ago instead of 10 years. Except for the fact that we have so much to catch up on. Well, that's how our friendship is. We are both 50 now and it is kinda scary that our lives have followed some of the same paths. We even take some of the same medications.
We both have a bad habit of changing the subject of a sentence 5 times before the end. Other people have trouble following our conversations, but we can understand each other perfectly well. In fact, if you read my blog from Saturday, Story Behind Cheryls Purple Cow, then you already know alot about her.
She doesn't have a computer, but she is traveling across Texas today to visit with her daughter who does have a computer. The reason I am having trouble focusing is that this evening we are going to be able to chat face to face using the webcam. Unfortunately, the reason she is going to visit her daughter is to help take care of her for a few days. Her daughter's wonderfully cute kitten decided that Mommy needed to play on the floor and tripped her. She landed on a glass table. Not Good! She's OK, just broke a couple ribs. It's going to be difficult though, because I am the type of person who likes to make people laugh. I don't think that she would appreciate that right now.
I just thought of the title for my next post: The Wonders of Technology. I think you will enjoy it.
Click here to read more!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Busy, Busy, Busy
Boy, have I been busy. I finally figured out how to take pictures of my jewelry with my camera. So I rephotographed all my jewelry. That only took about 2 days. And I am not quite done. Between setting up this blog, trying to link Cheryls Purple Cow store on Etsy, myspace, Facebook Fan Page and this blog has been another chore that still isn't finished.
I am still working on the "cell phone case". I have 6 rows done plus the base row, so a total of 7 rows. And it has taken how long? I thought this would be such a good idea, I could make several and sell them in my store. NOT! I keep talking myself out of quitting this one. I want to see what it will look like. It won't be cost effective to make to sell, the labor alone would amount to over $100.00. And I wouldn't pay 1/4 of that.
One thing that is either good or bad, depending on how you look at it, is that as a crafter I always have to be ahead of the holiday. I started getting out my Christmas craft stuff yesterday. It is kinda hard to get in the mood to make things for Christmas, especially living in Nevada. But it is also kinda fun. You can be a kid all year long.
That is about it for now. I just wanted to touch base and let you know what was going on. I plan on working on this a little more later today. Click here to read more!
I am still working on the "cell phone case". I have 6 rows done plus the base row, so a total of 7 rows. And it has taken how long? I thought this would be such a good idea, I could make several and sell them in my store. NOT! I keep talking myself out of quitting this one. I want to see what it will look like. It won't be cost effective to make to sell, the labor alone would amount to over $100.00. And I wouldn't pay 1/4 of that.
One thing that is either good or bad, depending on how you look at it, is that as a crafter I always have to be ahead of the holiday. I started getting out my Christmas craft stuff yesterday. It is kinda hard to get in the mood to make things for Christmas, especially living in Nevada. But it is also kinda fun. You can be a kid all year long.
That is about it for now. I just wanted to touch base and let you know what was going on. I plan on working on this a little more later today. Click here to read more!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Why Does Everything Happen at the Same Time
May 30, 2009 - Saturday
There is a cute saying that goes, "The hurrieder I go, the behinder I get." Sometimes everything needs attention at the same time. And you don't get anywhere.
I just bought a new camera so I can upgrade the pictures of the items that I am selling. Learning how to use a new camera involves alot of trial and error. More error than anything else.
At the same time I am trying to get started on Christmas items. And I am trying to set up my blog on And I am learning Google Analytics because they track the traffic thru my store and they also provide info on what searchwords were used to get there. And I am trying to use the information from Google to change the verbage for the items in my store.
I guess that it is true, "When it rains, it pours." Being from South Texas I know how true that is.
And I found out that Etsy has a catagory for selling craft supplies, so I am trying to go thru the supplies that I will no longer use and sell them. And Etsy has a catagory for Vintage. I can sell all my old jewelry, Depression Glass, Cut Crystal, Carnival Glass and the weird nic-nacs from way back then.
I guess I can't complain about having nothing to do. Click here to read more!
There is a cute saying that goes, "The hurrieder I go, the behinder I get." Sometimes everything needs attention at the same time. And you don't get anywhere.
I just bought a new camera so I can upgrade the pictures of the items that I am selling. Learning how to use a new camera involves alot of trial and error. More error than anything else.
At the same time I am trying to get started on Christmas items. And I am trying to set up my blog on And I am learning Google Analytics because they track the traffic thru my store and they also provide info on what searchwords were used to get there. And I am trying to use the information from Google to change the verbage for the items in my store.
I guess that it is true, "When it rains, it pours." Being from South Texas I know how true that is.
And I found out that Etsy has a catagory for selling craft supplies, so I am trying to go thru the supplies that I will no longer use and sell them. And Etsy has a catagory for Vintage. I can sell all my old jewelry, Depression Glass, Cut Crystal, Carnival Glass and the weird nic-nacs from way back then.
I guess I can't complain about having nothing to do. Click here to read more!
Another Day
May 29, 2009 - Friday
Well they say "another day, another dollar". You would think that inflation would have that up to a $20 bill.
One thing that is cool and not-cool about crafting and making things is that you are always ahead of the holiday schedule. It is already time to start working on Christmas Crafts. Wow, it's kinda hard to think about Christmas when it is late May in Nevada. I have 4 months of the most intense heat to look forward to. How do you make things with PENGUINS, Santa, snowmen, silver bells, Nativity scenes and all that other cold stuff when it is difficult to walk outside because the heat takes your breath away.
I may even try to get on the ball for some 4th of July stuff. Although it is a little late to think about making it. Most people have already completed most of theirs.
At least I have 2 great trips in the near future. I get to go to Reno and speak on July 1st to support Epilepsy Awareness. And I have a good friend in Reno that I haven't seen in about 9 years. We met when she lived in Kingsville. Boy we had a lot of fun. She worked in the bar where I spent all my time. She even got me a job bartending there. That's where Larry and I met.
Then in September I get to leave the heat of Vegas to spend 3 days in Atlanta GA at a summit meeting. I will get to see alot of friends there that I usually only see once a year. And it will be 18 months since we got together. The only problem is that there are sooooooo many meetings and focus groups and other stuff that you can't relax, much less socialize. It ends up being alot of stress.
But I love it. Going to the summit each year enables me to speak publicly to spread the word and support Epilepsy Awareness. It is also kind of reassuring to hang out with people who really understand what I have been through. They have all been through it to. Some to a lesser extent and some greater. But it helps us form a bond of kinship. Click here to read more!
Well they say "another day, another dollar". You would think that inflation would have that up to a $20 bill.
One thing that is cool and not-cool about crafting and making things is that you are always ahead of the holiday schedule. It is already time to start working on Christmas Crafts. Wow, it's kinda hard to think about Christmas when it is late May in Nevada. I have 4 months of the most intense heat to look forward to. How do you make things with PENGUINS, Santa, snowmen, silver bells, Nativity scenes and all that other cold stuff when it is difficult to walk outside because the heat takes your breath away.
I may even try to get on the ball for some 4th of July stuff. Although it is a little late to think about making it. Most people have already completed most of theirs.
At least I have 2 great trips in the near future. I get to go to Reno and speak on July 1st to support Epilepsy Awareness. And I have a good friend in Reno that I haven't seen in about 9 years. We met when she lived in Kingsville. Boy we had a lot of fun. She worked in the bar where I spent all my time. She even got me a job bartending there. That's where Larry and I met.
Then in September I get to leave the heat of Vegas to spend 3 days in Atlanta GA at a summit meeting. I will get to see alot of friends there that I usually only see once a year. And it will be 18 months since we got together. The only problem is that there are sooooooo many meetings and focus groups and other stuff that you can't relax, much less socialize. It ends up being alot of stress.
But I love it. Going to the summit each year enables me to speak publicly to spread the word and support Epilepsy Awareness. It is also kind of reassuring to hang out with people who really understand what I have been through. They have all been through it to. Some to a lesser extent and some greater. But it helps us form a bond of kinship. Click here to read more!
May 27, 2009 - Wednesday
Me again! I haven't gotten back to the cell phone case. It just seems like too much work.
I just have so many ideas of things to make. Such a change from "B.E.". Before my Epilepsy reared it's head, I could not make anything. It took all my effort just to think of something to make. Then I changed my mind 30 times. Then it was too late to make whatever.
My personal belief is that epilepsy somehow changed things in my brain. Or maybe it is the lifestyle changes that I had to make. All I know is that now I am perfectly happy staying home, in my craftroom, and making all the things in my mind.
I even stay home when Larry goes to Wal-Mart. Can you believe that? Wal-mart is just a waste of time, unless of course I need some beads. What is wrong with me? I have even cut back on the computer games.
I am going to open a blog at blogspot. I just need time to set everything up. Hope you follow me there. Click here to read more!
Me again! I haven't gotten back to the cell phone case. It just seems like too much work.
I just have so many ideas of things to make. Such a change from "B.E.". Before my Epilepsy reared it's head, I could not make anything. It took all my effort just to think of something to make. Then I changed my mind 30 times. Then it was too late to make whatever.
My personal belief is that epilepsy somehow changed things in my brain. Or maybe it is the lifestyle changes that I had to make. All I know is that now I am perfectly happy staying home, in my craftroom, and making all the things in my mind.
I even stay home when Larry goes to Wal-Mart. Can you believe that? Wal-mart is just a waste of time, unless of course I need some beads. What is wrong with me? I have even cut back on the computer games.
I am going to open a blog at blogspot. I just need time to set everything up. Hope you follow me there. Click here to read more!
Outsmarting Myself
May 26, 2009 - Tuesday
Outsmarting Myself
Hi Everyone! I am new to blogging but I thought since I found the courage to open my own business that I would try to blog. I opened Cheryls Purple Cow to sell the jewelry and other crafts that I have been making. You all know that I enjoy being different. The symbolism behind the purple cow is that a purple cow is unusual, out-of-the-ordinary. Kinda like me.
I also have a bad habit of outsmarting myself. Have you ever outsmarted yourself? You see, I want a beaded cell phone case. Not a cell phone case that has beads on it. A cell phone case made from beads. Not a problem. I found a pattern for an amulet case. If you don't know, an amulet case is a small (very small) beaded pouch on a beaded strap. In order for a cell phone to fit in it, I have to at least double the size. No Problem. Right? I even started thinking that I could make a few to sell in my store.
Wrong. Yes Problem. Remember I like to outsmart myself. So I worked on it for several hours yesterday. And today I worked on it for about 6 hours. Why am I on the computer and not in my craft room finishing the cell case?
I have been working on this for about 9 hours. Looks like it may take a few more hours before I'm done.

I have already used about 300 beads. I don't know if there are enough beads in Vegas to finish it. Outsmarted again!I guess if I intend to finish it this year, I better get back to work Click here to read more!
Outsmarting Myself
Hi Everyone! I am new to blogging but I thought since I found the courage to open my own business that I would try to blog. I opened Cheryls Purple Cow to sell the jewelry and other crafts that I have been making. You all know that I enjoy being different. The symbolism behind the purple cow is that a purple cow is unusual, out-of-the-ordinary. Kinda like me.
I also have a bad habit of outsmarting myself. Have you ever outsmarted yourself? You see, I want a beaded cell phone case. Not a cell phone case that has beads on it. A cell phone case made from beads. Not a problem. I found a pattern for an amulet case. If you don't know, an amulet case is a small (very small) beaded pouch on a beaded strap. In order for a cell phone to fit in it, I have to at least double the size. No Problem. Right? I even started thinking that I could make a few to sell in my store.
Wrong. Yes Problem. Remember I like to outsmart myself. So I worked on it for several hours yesterday. And today I worked on it for about 6 hours. Why am I on the computer and not in my craft room finishing the cell case?
I have been working on this for about 9 hours. Looks like it may take a few more hours before I'm done.

I have already used about 300 beads. I don't know if there are enough beads in Vegas to finish it. Outsmarted again!I guess if I intend to finish it this year, I better get back to work Click here to read more!
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